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Blue Throat Yoga Maṇḍala of Practice with Eliot

  • Centre Yoga Aylmer 142 Frank Robinson Gatineau QC (carte)

Blue Throat Yoga Maṇḍala

of Practice

August 14 to 16, 2023

At Centre Tara de Bonsecours in the Eastern Townships


Blue Throat Maṇḍalas of practices are intended to give us the means to refresh our practice of Neelakantha Meditation, to reap the beneficial deepening effects of elegantly sequenced synergistic practices and delve into the study of the teachings of consciousness.

Stay tuned for the details of this next mandala of practice with Eliot.
If you are interested in participating, please email Eliot at

During these maṇḍalas of practices, we will consider in depth verses from precious texts on consciousness to clarify our understanding of the Self. We will also meditate together several times, do a gentle asana practice, rest in longer śavāsanas and recite japas together to harmonize our energy. Together, these practices help to eliminate that which weighs and hinders the expansion of our consciousness. They then become a maṇḍala or a complete circle, a circle or a cycle which is looped, whole and powerful, which re-energizes our practice and refreshes our perspective of life. I warmly encourage you to take advantage of an afternoon together to practice and turn more towards the light.