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Neelakantha Meditation Initiation: 2 days formal instruction with Eliot


a practice for life

Learning the practice and the theory of the practice

Neelakantha Meditation is learned in a formal process of instruction. This ensures that the practitioner receives the right practice and the right way to practice. When we learn Neelakantha Meditation, we also learn how the practice works.  This provides us with an elegant synergy of knowledge and experience. Having both the experience and the knowledge of the practice together help build a strong foundation for a lifetime of meditation practice and the fulfillment of its benefits.

Formal instruction is a two or three-day process that will provide you with all you need to have for a self-sufficient meditation practice.

At this exceptional time in the planet, we are also taking exceptional measures to make the beautiful practice of Neelakantha Meditation available to individuals. Always and especially during this time, it is most precious to have an authentic and effective lifetime meditation practice that we can do autonomously during this secluded time at home that will both support our wellbeing and the planetary well being. 
During a limited period of time that calls for this need, Eliot is offering distance initiation via a platform called Zoom.

If you are interested in learning the practice of deep meditation, please email Eliot directly to join the next Initation session that will take place on

Friday, April 24, 2020, starting at 1pm (second day of teaching to be determined)

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

At the Centre Yoga Aylmer

For more information about this session:


(819) 923-7077