Happiness: A philosopher’s guide


Bouquin'art, a space for the arts


We have heard from many students about Gallery Bouquin'art in Aylmer. If you do not already know this bookstore, their web page tells us a bit about the founders:  "We are a dynamic mother-daughter duo who share with you our love of the arts, literary and visual. One of us is a bookseller, the other a gallerist. Together, we have created a bookstore-art-gallery where the world of words and images intertwine. " (our translation)

The space offers all kinds of literary and artistic events, from meet the authors’ evenings to book launches and exhibitions.

Until November 4, in collaboration with le RENDEZ-VOUS DE LA BANDE DESSINÉE DE GATINEAU (RVBDG), Bouquin’art presents a collective exhibit entitled "Hors les cases, hors les murs ". You will be able to see original drawings and limited edition prints of comic artists, including Luc Alain, Bado, Jean-Sebastien Bérubé, Thierry Labrosse, Stéphanie Leduc, Marc-Antoine Léveillé, Marc Michaud, Jonathan Munoz, Éric Péladeau, Christian Quesnel, Siris, Velm, Stanley Wany & Zviane!

Announcing as well just in time, the opportunity to meet Marie-Jeanne Musiol, author and artist, on October 10, from 7 pm to 9 pm. The artist will discuss "the luminous prints of leaves she has photographed, videoed and gathered in what she calls a virtual herbarium "

For more information, check out their Facebook page, their web page, or better yet, go visit! Bouquin'art

1-110, rue PrincipaleGatineau, Québec J9H 3M1


Free admission

In tune with Wise Masters: Frederic LeNoir

The Centre Yoga regularly posts videos of master teachers or Web resources to open our awareness to various traditions. In doing so, it wishes to provide open avenues of reflection rather than promote one vision or philosophical school over another. These offerings are meant to enrich your understanding of yoga, should you wish to do so. This month, we are HAPPY to share with you Frederic LeNoir.


Frederic Lenoir is a philosopher, a sociologist and a historian of religions. He is also a doctor and a research associate at l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – EHSS, in France

He has been producing and hosting a weekly radio show dedicated to spirituality on France Culture : Les Racines du ciel since September 2009.

Frederic Lenoir is author of a great number of essays, novels, tales and encyclopedias that were translated into nearly twenty languages and over 6 million copies of his works have been sold. He also writes plays, screenplays and comics.

Philospher Frédéric Lenoir discusses happiness with The New Yorker's Alexandra Schwartz. History's great philosophers have approached one of life's fundamental questions for centuries: What is happiness and how do I achieve it? This is the subject of French-Madagascan philosopher, sociologist, and religious historian Frédéric Lenoir's European massive bestseller, Happiness: A Philosopher's Guide.

Frédéric Lenoir and Oliver Burkeman invite readers to consider the idea that true and lasting happiness is indeed possible, from ancient Greece to today’s research. What is happiness and how do we achieve it? 

A huge bestseller in Europe, Frederic Lenoir’s Happiness: A philosopher’s guide is an exciting journey that examines how history’s greatest philosophers and religious figures have answered life’s most fundamental question: What is happiness and how do I achieve it?

From the ancient Greeks on—from Aristotle, Plato, and Chuang Tzu to the Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad; from Voltaire, Spinoza, and Schopenhauer to Kant, Freud, and even modern neuroscientists—Lenoir considers the idea that true and lasting happiness is indeed possible.

In clear language, Lenoir concisely surveys what the greatest thinkers of all time have had to say on the subject, and, with charming prose, raises provocative questions:

·      Do we have a duty to be happy?
·      Is there a connection between individual and collective happiness?
·      Is happiness contagious?
·      Is there a difference between pleasure and happiness?
·      Can unhappiness and happiness coexist?
·      Does our happiness depend on our luck?

Understanding how civilization’s best minds have answered those questions, Lenoir suggests, not only makes for a fascinating reading experience, but also provides a way for us to see how happiness, that most elusive of feelings, is attainable in our own lives.

For more information on Frédéric LeNoir, visit his website

Hṛdaya: journey to the heart of ancient wisdom with Eliot


Most of Centre Yoga Aylmer's students may be well aware of the series of Sunday afternoons Eliot has been offering for the study of relevant yoga scriptures in a friendly and relaxed group setting. These study groups make it possible to explore these texts, their meaning and how they can illumine our lives. On this blog, Eliot provides snippets of the Sunday afternoon contemplations. During the Fall 2018 session, Eliot will teach on the Bhagavad-Gītā

What does the Bhagavad-Gītā say about happiness? A lot.

Just to quote verse 5.23 (translation from Sanskrit by Ravi Ravindra): “One who is able to overcome the force of selfish desire and anger here on Earth, before release from the mortal body, is disciplined and is happy.”

In verse 5.24 (translation by Georg Feuerstein) it says, He/She who has inner joy, inner rejoicing, and hence inner light is indeed a yogin.

We will be reflecting on this when we meet again on our next Sunday afternoon study, November 18, 2018, from 2pm to 5pm, at Centre Yoga Aylmer
