Blue Throat Yoga


of Practice

August 18 to 21, 2024

At Centre Tara de Bonsecours in the Eastern Townships

Photo Centre Tara

Photo Centre Tara

It is such an astonishing thing
to realize what is inside of us,
and to spend a few days cultivating
the living experience of that
by directing our energy to this source of  joy.

- Paul Muller-Ortega

Maṇḍalas of practice are meditation retreats. During maṇḍalas of practices, we reflect on precious sacred teachings on consciousness to clarify our understanding of the Self, our practices, our life and path. Over the course of several days, we meditate more often, perform gentle asana, take walks in nature, and perform a variety of other supportive practices. Together, and in combination, these practices support the process of eliminating that which stands in the way of deeper knowledge and the expansion of consciousness. Over the course of the retreat, the sequence of practices become a maṇḍala, a circle, or a cycle which is becomes potently complete, whole and powerful. This serves to refresh our daily practice and shift and light up our perspective of life. Join us for this precious time devoted to practice.


Neelakantha Meditation Mandala of Practices include :

Photo Linda Leclerc pour le Centre Tara

Photo Linda Leclerc pour le Centre Tara

  • gentle asana – yoga postures

  • meditation

  • japa mantras and other practices that we learn and perform on retreat

  • mauna–silence

  • study of sacred texts and teachings

  • deep contemplation and journalling

Photo Centre Tara

Photo Centre Tara

Accommodation & Rates

Prices are per person and include accommodations, all meals, teachings, use of the buildings and all taxes. The fees in bold characters are valid until June 30, 2024. If you register on July 1st or after, the prices in brackets will be implemented).

Photo Centre Tara

Photo Centre Tara


  • prospectus tent for one : 809.55 $

  • prospectus tent - double : 730.80 $

  • dorm : 683.55 $

  • room for three : 715.05 $

  • double room with shared bathroom : 730.80 $

  • double room with private bathroom : 762.30 $

  • private room with shared bathroom : 841.05 $

  • private room with private bathroom : 872.55 $


Photo Centre Tara

3 nights of accommodation
9 delicious vegetarian meals
All teachings and practices


A deposit of 75$ is required upon registration. The full amount is required by July 31, 2024. If you cancel before July 31, we will reimburse the amount you paid, minus the 75$ non-refundable deposit. After August 1, 2024 there is no reimbursement unless the retreat itself is cancelled.


Photo Centre Tara


3 nights of accommodation
9 delicious vegetarian meals
All teachings and practices


Payment in full must be received by July 31. If you cancel before July 31, you will be reimbursed whatever amount you paid minus the non-refundable deposit of $75. After August 1, 2024 there is no reimbursement unless the Mandala (retreat) itself is cancelled.


At Centre Tara de Bonsecours

Prepare for your retreat

To make the most out of your retreat time, we recommend some preparation at the home front.

  • Take care of any loose ends at work or at home that you think could distract you from being fully present for the duration of the retreat.

  • Explain to the people who you are leaving behind that you are taking these days to be on your own and that you will not be in communication.

  • Leave people at home with Eliot’s cell phone number: 819-923-7077 and Centre Tara’s coordinates (see here) so they know how to reach you in case of an emergency.

  • Put automatic replies on your email accounts.

  • Make a commitment with yourself to honor this precious time.