
The Aylmer Yoga Center now offers all students who want to know more about yoga the chance to borrow books from a selection of leading works on the yogic tradition. We have books in French and English. Come check out what we have!



Instructions on how to borrow a book


1.       Once you have chosen the book you want to borrow

2.       Open to the back cover and remove the colored card that is in the library pocket

3.       Write down the due date (one month from today) and your name on the colored card and write the due date on the white sheet of the library pocket in the book (for your reference)

4.       Put the colored card into the designated box on the shelf


To return the book

 1.      Find the colored card that belongs to the book in the designated box on the shelf

2.       Slide it into the library pocket in the back cover of the book

3.       Put the book back on the shelf