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Of Fire and Nectar - Yoga retreat in Guatemala

Photo Lucie Mallet

Of Fire and Nectar

Yoga retreat in Guatemala

November 9-16, 2013

In the powerful presence of majestic volcanos, revive your inner fire and surrender to the sweet and exquisite nectar of your heart. Eliot invites you to beautiful Lago Atitlán, an ancient place of ritual and devotion for the Maya people and a sanctuary for yoga practice. Our retreat, at lovely Villa Sumaya (, will include storytelling, chanting, asana and meditation to take you deep into your practice and stir an awakening to the unbounded beauty of your own life.

• accommodations (arrival Nov.9 - departure Nov.16)
• three delicious and nourishing vegetarian meals a day
• sunrise and sunset meditations
• 2-hour morning & 1.5 hour afternoon asana practices
• pool, hot tub, sauna & ongoing tea/coffee service


SINGLE: $1,300
DOUBLE OCCUPANCY: $1,200 per person
COUPLE OCCUPANCY: $1,150 per person

Travel costs to and from Villa Sumaya

are not included in this price

and are to be assumed by the individual participants.

Immediate deposit of $300 required to save your place
Full payment must be received by October 18, 2013

Contact and Registration: or 819-332-1616

click here to consult leaflet
Événement antérieur: 5 novembre
Heart to Heart Meditation
Événement ultérieur: 19 novembre
Heart to Heart Meditation