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New : Move Your Energy and Release Stress Meditation Series with Hafiz

Move Your Energy and Release Stress Meditation Series with Hafiz

Photo: Hafiz (Daniel Tigner)

Photo: Hafiz (Daniel Tigner)

This fall, Hafiz will offer a new series of 14 classes entitled Move Your Energy and Release Stress Meditation Series. The weekly sessions will be held every Thursday,  from 5:30 pm to 6:40 pm, beginning September 25 until December 18, 2014


For the 14 sessions, we will alternate between two Osho active meditations ‘Kundalini Meditation’ and ‘Nataraj Meditation’ that help effectively release stress from our body and minds and open our energy. These meditations can make a big difference in how we feel immediately afterwards and how we experience our work and play. Thursday, near the end of the week, is a great time for these meditations as they help us unwind from our week’s activities.

Wear loose and comfortable clothes.

Price $140.00 pre-paid, $15.00 drop in

To see the dates, consult the calendar here

For more information and registration, contact Hafiz - Daniel directly

tel. 819-682-0205, email:


Événement antérieur: 23 septembre
Summer new moon & full moon outdoor asana practices
Événement ultérieur: 26 septembre
Fall Retreat in the Eastern Townships