Meditation to the sound of crystal vessels
with Élise Benoît
Friday, May 1st
June 5th, 2015
7:30 to 9 pm
on-site registration or by email ahead of time
Here are some benefits offered by crystal vessels
- Relaxes and energizes the physical body
- Calms the mind and supports meditation
- Harmonises and awakens the chakras
- Releases the accumulated negative energy
- Eases communication with your guides
- Allows to gently work on oneself
- Fosters the awakening of consciousness
Fee: 20 $ for the evening
Bring a blanket, a matress, cushions and water
to be comfortable!
Please note this event will take place in French
on-site registration or by email ahead of time.
Wellbeing by the sound
Élise Benoît, MTA and Reiki master