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Neelakantha Meditation Information Session with Eliot

Neelakantha Meditation Information Session

Sunday, December 3rd from 2:30pm to 3:30pm


Neelakantha Meditation is an easy, simple and effective practice of deep meditation.  Grounded in ancient tradition and the knowledge of great masters of consciousness, it is a practical modern practice, which is efficient and life-affirming. It requires no skill or talent to learn and practice and it is accessible to everyone regardless of age, ethnic origin, culture or belief.

Come hear Eliot speak about meditation and more specifically about Neelakantha Meditation. During this hour to hour and a half session you will be welcome to ask questions and become more clear if you would like to learn the practice to support your life at all levels.

Eliot Acuna, authorized Teacher of Neelakantha Meditation

meditation posture Swastikasana-1.jpg

Eliot has been learning the practice of Neelakantha Meditation since 2011 and she is now an authorized teacher of Neelakantha Meditation as taught in Blue Throat Yoga. She is thrilled to now be able to offer this practice to others.

The information session will be held on Sunday, December 3, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. You are curious, interested? Check out our information here and come to find out more!


Learn More about Neelakantha Meditation

Centre Yoga Aylmer

42, Frank-Robinson Avenue

Gatineau (Aylmer sector)


(819) 923-7077


Événement ultérieur: 8 décembre
Gong Heaven for all, with Sophie