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Hṛdaya: journey to the heart of ancient wisdom with Eliot

Hṛdaya: journey to the heart of ancient wisdom with Eliot

This spring, Eliot will guide students into the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, a text of foundational relevance in the yoga tradition.

A lot more than we can ever imagine is written about the mystery of Reality that we so often wonder about. If we can pierce just a bit into the wisdom that has been so compassionately left to us by ancient wise masters, we will support and accelerate the beautiful process of deeper knowing that our āsana and meditation practice bring about. A wholesome yoga practice includes svādhyāya, self study in the form of reading, reciting and contemplating sacred scripture.

Once a month on Sunday afternoons

Eliot will guide participants in the recitation of the Sanskrit verses, give ample translations from various sources, offer masterful commentary provided by great teachers alongside her very own contemplations and insight. There will be key questions to guide a deeper inquiry as well as the encouragement of stimulating conversations amongst the participants so we all learn from each others’ rich variety of perspectives.

To participate in this beautiful circle of wisdom it is recommended and greatly encouraged to have a regular meditation practice. If you do not meditate regularly ask Eliot to see how you can bring meditation into your life.


  • April 23
  • May 28
  • June 25

120$ taxes included


OR (819) 923-7077