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To the sanctuary of the Heart, a mid-summer yoga retreat with Eliot

To the sanctuary of the Heart

a mid-summer yoga retreat

in the Eastern Townships

with Eliot

August 15 to 18, 2019

Eliot Acuña

Eliot Acuña

The yoga tradition explains the heart as being the centermost part of everything from which everything emerges and to which everything dissolves.It is the source of all knowledge and truth.It is the fountain of discernment, courage and love.It is serene and yet intense, mysterious and compelling.

This retreat is meant to give us the time and distance from daily activities and teachings to allow ourselves the deep consideration of this innermost sanctum, what is real, what is true, what is important.Through beautiful and effective yoga practices enter and dwell in that beckoning Sanctuary called the Heart.

Āsana–yoga postures
Prāṇāyāma–breathing techniques
Mantra –Sanskrit sounds, wordsor phrases Dhyāna–meditation

August 23–26, 2018
Centre Tara at Bonsecours

Includes :
3 nights of accommodation
9 delicious vegetarian meals
All yoga practices
Price per person(all taxes included):
Dorm: fees will be posted soon
Double occupancy(sharedbath): fees will be posted soon
Double occupancy(privatebath): fees will be posted soon


OR (819) 923-7077