New course with Eliot for French speakers!
By way of compelling home study and monthly group sessions, read, contemplate and discuss the teachings of non-dual Tantra, particularly Trika-Kaula Tantra, as taught by the great Master Teacher, Abhinavagupta.
- What is consciousness and how does it manifest in the manifold universe?
- Why do I seem to only know myself as an embodied individual?
What is my fundamental nature and how come I don’t know it already?
What is the nature of suffering and why does it exist?
Can there be freedom of suffering and how?
These enticing questions and many more will be brought forward, considered and answered according to what has been taught and explained by the great masters of consciousness who formed the non-dual Tantric Schools of India.
Group study sessions will be once-a-month, on Fridays, from 4pm to 6pm (in French)