Solstice Gathering of Practitioners of Neelakantha Meditation
Photo birgl pixabay
The Light is indeed only one,
and that Light is truly Consciousness
Abhinvavagupta’s Tantrasāra, āhnika I -- Trans. Paul Muller-Ortega
Saturday, December 21, 3pm to 4:30pm
simultaneously in person and online
Since ancient times, the solstices have been perceived as energetically potent moments. Winter solstice is a planetary interstitial moment that we can use as a symbolically potent portal into which we release whatever needs to be let go. It also serves as an auspicious stand-still moment for us to pause and listen deep into our heart for wise guidance going forward.
By way of practices, we will dissolve a year’s lifecycle into the light, and welcome the new year’s lifecycle into the light.
All practitioners of Neelakantha Medition are warmly welcome – this is a free event for initiates.