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Blue Throat Yoga Maṇḍala of Practice with Eliot (in person only) (copie)

  • Centre Yoga Aylmer 142 Frank Robinson Gatineau QC (carte)

Blue Throat Yoga


of Practice

with Eliot

Devote an entire day to practice, study and deep contemplation.

In French : SUNDAY, November 3 , 2024
In English: SUNDAY, November 24, 2024

photo : Blind man

A Blue Throat Yoga Maṇḍala of Practices is a meditation retreat. It can be three hours, a half day, a full day or even several days, like the one offered in August.  On April 7, 2024, we will spend a whole day together. We will be practicing our Neelakantha Meditation several times, alternating with sequences of other potent practices including āsanas (yoga postures), prāṇāyāma (breathing techniques), japa (mantra recitation), and deep contemplation, all meant to support the growth of the knowledge of the Self. 
We meditate every day. And then from time to time, we set aside our daily responsibilities of householder life and devote a bit more time exclusively to practice to dive in deep. Paul Muller Ortega says,



“We come to retreat to open to the deepest depths
of our individual being and to locate, within ourselves,
the sublime magnificence of the Absolute. 

Over the course of the retreat, many
different inner transformations take place.
By turning to the highest, we discover — 
What is the highest within me?
What is my highest perspective?
What is my highest understanding?  
What is my most evolved and refined vision?
What is my deepest intention for this life? 

Our retreat practices are effective, potent,
and positively impact every aspect of our life.
Our time on retreat fosters, promotes, encourages and
supports the growth of our entire life, and the blossoming
from within of this natural potency of Consciousness
that spontaneously drives our life forward to
higher and higher expressions of attainment,
fulfillment, creativity and divine service.”

- Paul Muller-Ortega

In the upcoming Maṇḍalas in English and in French we will be considering, contemplating and deepening our understanding of the following teaching and learning how to apply it to our everyday lives. Read the translation to yourself and sense its weighty potency resonate in your heart.

yatra rucis tatra vidhir yatreyam nāsti tatra ca niṣedhaḥ |

ity asmākaṃ viveko hṛdayaparispandamātraśāstrāṇām ||

[7] Wherever the natural inclination (ruci) of the Light of the deep Heart is found, whatever spontaneous movement of natural longing emerges from the Ultimate inner space, there exactly can be found and located the commanding injunction (vidhi), the rule and precept that positively guides life forward!

Mahārtha mañjarī of Maheśvarānanda śloka 7

–  exerpt of the translation and interpretation by Paul Muller-Ortega

In French : SUNDAY, November 3, 2024
In English: SUNDAY, November 24, 2024

9am to 12:30pm
1:30pm to 4:30pm

in person only
Limited to 10 participants
$110 (taxes included)


142 avenue Frank Robinson, Gatineau (Aylmer)

To register, email Eliot:

Événement antérieur: 25 octobre
Satyuga Samkalpa Maṇḍala - Cercle for benevolence
Événement ultérieur: 29 novembre
Satyuga Samkalpa Maṇḍala - Cercle for benevolence