JANUARY 5, 2016
January 5 to March 25, 2016 (12 weeks)
A smooth and relaxing class that will allow you to bathe in the warmth of the fireplace adding candescence to your practice. This class combines gently breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation, sacred chants (mantras) and meditative relaxation to the sound of a symphonic gong.
Open to all, no previous knowledge of yoga required. Designed to be accessible to both advanced yoga practitionners and students whose general physical condition requires a less demanding practice. Students can either be sitting on the floor, on a yoga mat, or on a chair. Semester registration or drop in.
Kundalini Yoga, also known as Yoga of Awareness, is particularly powerful in its effects; sessions are very structured and each of them carries a particular theme to work on. It provides a vast number of very diverse techniques from which to chose to serve one’s main objectives and aspirations. (see full description on the web site, in French, under Classes)
Please note Sophie’s classes are given in French
See Sophie's schedule and fees here
More about Sophie here