Invitation to Meditation
Photos : Daniel Tigner (Hafiz)
Seeds germinating, plants leafing overnight, the overwhelming abundance of succulent flowers on the apple, plum, elderberry, lilac and serviceberry trees present a May feast for the eyes and heart and being. Because the molecules of our bodies belong to this same earth and vibrate with that same pulsating energy of spring as the trees and plants, something in us also blossoms: knowingly or unknowingly we bathe in this beauty, but as far as our awareness is concerned all of this wonder may also just pass us by, unless we are present in the moment.
We all know this experience don’t we? Of moving through the spring beauty carrying our work and worries, endless emails and messages from cyberspace, news of the world and travels here and there, for many of us live a hectic life. Just keeping it all together is a challenge as it is so easy to get lost in the traffic of the world and the traffic of the mind.
“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." John Lennon
As we all have experienced this dilemma of being caught up in the mind - our egoic self-centeredness with its temporary and limited viewpoint, our troubles and pains, our opinions and judgments - we may forget that a little effort from our side helps restore balance, brings us to the moment, opens the doors to life.
That coming back to the moment is the art and knack of meditation: the meditation techniques and processes are designed to facilitate our own ability to shift back to the here and now.
I teach a range of meditation processes at the Yoga Centre twice a month. It’s not that I’ve entered into a state of grace ongoingly, but sharing what I do know gives me an excuse and opportunity to come back to the here and now. Teaching is of course one of the best ways to learn.
I draw on a number of meditation sources. There are meditations techniques for every kind of person found in 5,000 year old tantra sutras attributed to Shiva, 112 seed techniques in total (described beautifully in Osho’s book entitled The Book of the Secrets) Each technique is simple, but it is best to try them with the help and encouragement of an experienced teacher. It’s not just getting the technique right, being together creates a field of energy that helps us all raise our consciousness and it’s beautiful to do them in the space of the Yoga Centre because it is so welcoming, filled with friendliness. It makes it fun to be there. You can let your hair hang down, tell a joke or just enjoy yourself.
Beyond the tantra processes are both active and cleansing modern techniques, many from Osho’s stream of meditation where I learned many such processes, silent meditations and processes such as inquiry into the nature and source of Self.
My aim is to help you find meditation processes that work for you. Once you have a process that fits you, the sky is the limit. You can make that technique the basis of a day to day meditation practice!
Yoga practice too is a wonderful meditation process and the Yoga Centre is the most playful of any yoga school I have visited, so I am a grateful student and attend a number of weekly classes. They help me de-stress and let go and the long term benefits are enormous: more energy, healing, flexibility, less stress and greater enjoyment of the body and mind. Connecting our body mind in yoga brings us back to harmony. I find that by the end of a session presence to Self is restored.
So please come to the yoga classes and Tuesday meditations. I invite you to join me on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 5 pm (June 3 and 17). It’s guaranteed to help you unwind and relax, to shift the focus from world to within, to allow you to be just a little bit more present. It’s all guaranteed or your moment back!
It’s actually free!
We are sometimes just a few people, or there may be 7 or 8 in attendance. I would love to see a thousand people come, but whoever joins in I am grateful for your presence. My dream is that one day everyone rushes to meditation and yoga classes! What a world that would be: beautiful spring blossoms each day of the year!
Happy Spring: May you be blessed with presence!
Swami Nirava Hafiz (aka Daniel Tigner) - Meditation Teacher
Co-Founder Canadian Forest Tree Essences
Co-author with Gayle Jabour of: The Time of Your Life – Everyone Has a Story
Individual Sessions
I give Soul Mate Oracle Card readings to help you find answers and insights into key life questions from a soul perspective. Sessions are available at the Yoga Centre.
In a step by step individualized process, I also work with students and adults to help them clarify their life direction and university or career path.
Please email or call for an appointment:, 819-682-0205