Yoga all the way this summer

Yoga Day Summit

Celebrate the United Nation’s International Day of Yoga

Register on line to participate in the Yoga Day Summit on June 21 and 22nd.

"Immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind experience with a global community of yogis — sages, musicians, scientists and beloved teachers from around the globe — to discover yoga practices, guided meditations and healing breathwork for restoring, balancing and invigorating your body, mind and soul.

Move beyond the poses and off the mat to explore the ancient roots and deep wisdom these world-renowned yogis, swamis, swaminis and teachers have to share with you..."

More information here

The Festival Bhakti in the woods is back this summer

This will be the 5th edition of this festival "dedicated to initiating wholeness and anchoring light for all of humanity. A co-creation and celebration of Life on Earth through sacred sound and healing.

You will hear ancient and new chants, healing songs, laughter and the sounds of the birds. You will see new and old friends, treasures for the senses, gifts and products to support, taste foods and treats that will delight, and feel the wind, sun, stars all around. Experience what this festival has to offer through sacred music and programming that integrates all the elements. Upon leaving the festival, feel an awakened sense of community, belonging, and reverence for all things. Ending the summer here has never been so sweet!"

For more information, click here

In tune with Wise Masters

The Centre Yoga will be posting videos of master teachers from various traditions. In doing so, it wishes to provide open avenues of reflection rather than promote one vision or philosophical school over another. These offerings are meant to enrich your understanding of yoga, should you wish to do so. For this edition, we invite you to get to know Igor Kufayev.

"An artist, Advaita Tantra Teacher and founder of the Flowing Wakefulness community, for over a decade Igor Kufayev has been serving as a conduit of transmission for awakening towards the new era of heart-centered consciousness. 

Speaking from direct realization of Oneness, he inspires all seekers of truth to recognize the fullest potential present in human birth.

Many have been touched by Grace and awakened in his presence, as he continues working towards building a global community to serve as a container for exploring possibilities for alternative, consciousness-based culture".



