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Introduction on Yoga and the observation of the self with GHAËTAN (free)

Ghaëtan invites you to a free afternoon

where he will introduce the yoga he teaches,

centered on the observation of the self

Sunday, January 17, 2016

From 1:30pm to 3:30pm

More information on the free afternoon (in French) here


Ghaëtan teaches YOGA AND SELF-AWARENESS (description below), starting January 23, 2016.


This class’s focus is on the systematic observation and cultivation of self-awareness. Attention, the capacity to remain present with the self, is key throughout the process. Through sustained attention, the yoga practitioner maintains a focus in the here and now, allowing him or her to fully experience the posture at physical, emotional and cognitive levels.

Observation and self-awareness are foundational for the process, in which eventually the practitioner is lead to a deeper understanding of his or her existential nature and ultimately to awaken to his or her profound level of being.

The practice contains the following aspects:

  • Create a center space within which to observe what is happening within during the postures.
  • Develop a capacity to be attentive to what is being experienced physically, emotionally and mentally (mental activity).
  • Welcome what is being observed, from one’s own standpoint, in order to have a better understanding of the self.
  • Integrate the new understandings.
  • Avoid judgment, analysis, criticism or condemnation of what is being observed.
  • Bring yoga to daily life. From an observation of the self in a posture to an observation of the self in daily posture, such as driving, housecleaning, walking, etc.
Please note Ghaëtan's courses are given in French

January 23 to April 2, 2016


Ghaëtan's schedule and fee info here


Événement antérieur: 15 janvier
GONG HEAVEN for all (FR) with Sophie
Événement ultérieur: 18 janvier
CARRIE'S Pilates classes start Monday, January 18, 2018