Health & Community : December 2015

To my beloved Aylmer community,

I have been haunted by what our fellow human beings are going through a world away in Syria, Iraq and other adjoining countries. I can no longer sit and watch from the comfort of my home. I am a mother of two and I have decided that it is time for me to take action a very concrete way. I have started a group on Facebook called "Outaouais Citizens for Refugee Sponsorship" and I am now in the process of identifying individuals or organizations who wish to directly participate in sponsoring a family from Syria into our Aylmer community. If you wish participate in this project, send me a message. I will be holding a meeting with the group very soon to give you as much information as possible.  Feel free to share this information with anybody you think might be interested in joining the group.

Amélie Gervais. Contact tél: 819-328-3005

Please take the time to read this excerpt from the web site that initiated the 25 000 tuques project to welcome the refugees:

"25 000 Tuques is about creating a tuque for distribution to the refugees with a small, personalized welcome message slipped inside by the « knitter ».

Yes, it’s pretty symbolic and It’s based on when we put a tuque on a new born baby but it’s also because we want a better fabric for our society, one that is tightly knitted together… No it does not exempt you from taking other actions. It’s our very own small way of welcoming them and make a direct and humane connection.

Knitting helps; it help us feel a bit less powerless and it helps keep someone warm. Our knitting, our time, our attention is a concrete gesture that trumps all petitions.

It’s humble but it gives us the time to talk, to think and to love a bit better.

It takes two hours to knit a simple tuques with average size knitting needles. Two hours spread appart between whenever you have the time; in the metro, in the house… At that rhythm we will not flood Quebec with tuques: It takes two hours to help welcome someone. The way I see it, and I don’t know what you think of it, it’s already so much better than doing nothing.  "

CBC report on the 25 000 tuques project here

Learn more about 25 000 tuques project, consult their web site here   There are a few drop off points in Gatineau and Ottawa. See map  here:

The Yoga of Trees:

Family Relations During the Holidays

December 2015

 by Celine Cloutier and Hafiz

With the Holidays just around the corner, family relations come into focus as we plan visits from across the country or the ocean. Just the thought of coming home may bring memories of the wonderful smell of cooking, the joy of seeing the traditional decorations, the warm feeling of endless talks around the kitchen table with siblings, and the comfort of the hugs and laughter.

Or, it may bring more anxious feelings when conflicts and tension between family members is present. Does it look like a Christmas card to you? Or does the reality seem more mixed and challenging. In families, between partners, siblings or with parents, there may be wounds, scars or ruptures: family relations are not always so easy. The strain of it all can affect how we are when we get together for holidays. And yet, in our heart we know that family is of such importance. They are our roots and they are part of who we are.

We may have known difficulties with family relations, we may have worked hard to resolve issues, to forgive, to detach ourselves, to live our lives and feel our freedom (but when we meet we may realize that attachments run very deep and no matter what, the connection remains).

Sometimes, only time will heal, especially when there is a rupture and we do not understand the events. We may carry anger and are incapable of resolving problems. Yet the only place to be is in our Heart, keeping it wide open. It is as big as the Universe, and filled with love. There is enough space in one heart for 6 billion people. Do not doubt the magic of love. It is the most powerful force.

Such is the great importance of dealing with our fears of encountering family members and resolving unfinished hurts and conflicts, that we have developed an essence called FAMILY RELATIONS to help. It is for those wishing to reopen conversation with a family member. This essence works within your resonance to heal wounds and scars. The amazing thing about it is that you may be the only person using the essence and the world starts changing around you

Often we think, “if only he or she would change, things would be so easier.’’ But the power lies within each and every one of us. As we begin transforming our self, people start acting differently around us.

I wish you and your family much love and blessings during the holiday and New Year.

Next month, we look into the vibration of January and related Tree Essences!

Kindest Wishes,

Celine and Hafiz

Canadian Forest Tree Essences


