Health & community : March 2016 / Vers un monde altruite? The Caring revolution?
Vers un monde altruite? The Caring revolution
"Man is a wolf to man" wrote generations of philosophers; and world history seems to illustrate this implacable sentence. Still, there are voices against this view of human nature. Scientists from disciplines as diverse as psychology, primatology, mathematics and neuroscience invented the vocabulary of another story: altruism and cooperation are the key words.
Better: "if altruism exists, we have the opportunity to grow," say the researchers.
At a time of global challenges which call for radical change, know the profound nature of man - angel or devil? - allows us to imagine more effective tools to induce these changes.
This documentary is available in DVD through ARTE France (for now only in French).
To stay updated on the film's dissemination, click here
To visit ARTE France's boutique, click here
American mystic. Memoirs of a happy man
Daniel Tigner lives in Aylmer, comes to yoga and wrote this amazing book!
I could not put down the American Mystic. The story is so intriguing, captivating and rings powerfully true in every way.
Here is what Amazon review has to say:
American Mystic - Memoirs of a Happy Man is a mix of American social history and the spiritual journey told by A. Ramana, a larger-than-life Texan, as he looked back over his lifetime. Ramana was a big man in every way, a beautiful man, and a true mystic. His story is gripping, frankly told,
providing a fascinating glimpse into American culture and history beginning in the Great Depression and ending in the new millennium. It is a colorful story of the search for happiness through both the pursuit of the American Dream and of spiritual inquiry.
Spiritual biographies have the power to help people connect with their own quest to find out who they are - which is, after all, the raison d’être of the spiritual search - and, Ramana’s story is particularly worth knowing in that regard. His struggles, adventures and inner search, culminated in his having a homecoming, an Awakening with a capital A. How many people can actually say that they have “found happiness?” Ramana did – and in these memoirs, he shares his journey and his thoughts about how this can happen for all of us.
American mystic. Memoirs of a happy man by Arunachala Ramana (Author), Saroja Poilblan (Author), Daniel Tigner (Editor)
click here to visit Amazon's page on the book
Bobby Clennell's pose of the month : March
March —
Parivritta Trikonasana
into Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana
Each month, starting January 2016 and continuing through December 2016, I will present illustrations and concise instructions for a yoga pose that you can practice along with. Strung together, the completed twelve poses make up a yoga session that is appropriate for beginners and experienced students alike. The completed sequence incorporates a warm up at the start, then poses to take you through a wide range of movement and focused work. These include standing poses to build strength and inverted poses to boost immunity and hormonal balance. The sequence finishes with some cooling poses.
My best wishes to all. Enjoy your practice!
Bobby Clennell
They say Spring will come early this year!
Watch for the 1st Spring Flower, Pussy Willow ; for flexibility, giving & receiving, letting Go.
Céline Cloutier
Présidente| President
Essences des Arbres du Canada | Canadian Forest Tree Essences