Health & Community, Summer 2016

This summer at the Centre: an overview

This summer, enjoy a variety of offerings according to each teacher. Take careful note of dates and times so you don't miss out on anything! 

  • Evolve with a daily practice with Eliot; June 27 to July 8
  • NEW: SYLLABUS CLASS. As many of you know, Centre Yoga is a Registered Yoga Teacher Training School, and within this role it supports both students of yoga and teachers of yoga in their evolution.  The syllabus class is meant to encourage both the refinement of the teacher's instruction skills and clarify the students knowledge of the āsanas of a particular level.  The teacher systematically guides students into each āsana (yoga posture) with concise and simple instructions, all the while reviewing the necessary actions required. Read the complete description here
  • Melissa and Carrie hold the fort in July with Pilates (Carrie), Parents & Baby Yoga and prenatal Yoga (Melissa). Consult the calendar here
  • NEW : Senior class at Mary Ann's studio in Chelsea. Mary Ann will open the doors of her studio this summer to offer a special class for seniors. What better occasion to improve your strength, flexibility, and mobility through standing or seated yoga poses specially adapted for seniors? Read the complete description here.
  • Summer classes at Centre Yoga in June, July and August. Click here to consult the Google calendar or here for the schedule.

A lunar calendar for everyone : how to garden, plant and sow in phase with the moon

Photo: pixabay (kropekk_pl)

Photo: pixabay (kropekk_pl)

Live in the rhythm of nature in Canada is a site that offers six different calendar views that have one thing in commun: they all feature the moon phases as the main attraction. Learn when it is best to plant, water, and sow your plants, when it is better to leave them alone, the most auspicious time for fertilization for different plants, wheter they are fruits, herbs, house plants, or root and leafty vegetables. Check the site at this address, and use the upper left menu to explore the different calendars and their meaning :


Bobby Clennell's monthly pose



This month :

June —
Viparita Dandasana &
Chatoosh Padasana with chair
(Back bend over a chair)

Each month, starting January 2016 and continuing through December 2016, I will present illustrations and concise instructions for a yoga pose that you can practice along with. Strung together, the completed twelve poses make up a yoga session that is appropriate for beginners and experienced students alike. The completed sequence incorporates a warm up at the start, then poses to take you through a wide range of movement and focused work. These include standing poses to build strength and inverted poses to boost immunity and hormonal balance. The sequence finishes with some cooling poses.

My best wishes to all. Enjoy your practice!

Bobby Clennell

We would love to hear from you!

You have a great idea? You would like to attend a class that is not offered? Centre Yoga Aylmer is always open to new ideas and we welcome your suggestions for new classes, or new events you would like to see. Let us know, don't be shy and write us at

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